Soak 1/4 cup chia seeds in 4 cups of water for 20–30 minutes. Enhance the flavor with fruits or citrus. 

Chia Water Delight 

soaking 1/4 cup chia seeds in 4 cups of fruit juice for 30 minutes. Sip on this nutritious juice blend, but mind the sugar 

Juicy Chia Fusion

Adjust thickness by adding more seeds and prolonging the soak. Experiment with juices, milk, vanilla, or cocoa for a versatile treat. 

Chia Pudding Bliss

Create a chia gel by soaking before blending. Amp up the nutrition in your daily blend. 

Chia Boosted Smoothies 

Experience chia seeds raw by grinding and sprinkling them on your favorite foods like smoothies or oatmeal. A healthy crunch awaits. 

Raw Chia Crunch 

Soak seeds in milk, garnish with nuts, fruits, or spices like cinnamon. Add banana and vanilla for a delightful twist 

Chia Cereal Swap 

speedy snack, craft chia truffles blending dates, cocoa, and oats. No baking required. Perfect for on-the-go energy 

Chia Truffle Treats 

Innovate your stir-fries by tossing in a tablespoon of chia seeds. Elevate your savory dishes with this nutritious addition. 

Chia in Stir-Fry 

RIP Michael Gambon Dumbledore